Frequently Asked Questions

Where do you ship ProLon®?

In the USA, we are currently only able to ship ProLon to the United States. We plan to ship to Canada in the next few months.

  • For Italy, please visit
  • For the UK, please visit
  • For Poland, please visit:
  • For all other countries in Europe we serve, please visit to place orders.

What is ProLon®?

ProLon® is the first Fasting Mimicking Diet® (FMD®) developed to provide the beneficial effects of fasting by making the fasting mimicking period safe and pleasant. ProLon®, which contains plant-based soups, bars, crackers, olives, drinks, and supplements, is a proprietary 5-day dietary program, providing approximately 750 to 1100 calories per day. It is based on innovative research carried out at two of the world’s leading centers for biomedical and longevity research located at the University of Southern California (USC), the Longevity Institute and the Diabetes and Obesity Research Institute. This revolutionary meal plan has been scientifically designed and clinically tested to mimic the effects of fasting, while providing the proper daily nourishment and the feeling of satisfaction.

What does a "Fasting Mimicking Diet®" mean?

A Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD®) is a high nutrition, low protein, low carbohydrate meal plan, clinically proven to beneficially change a wide range of biomarkers associated with aging, poor health, and inflammation. (See Question 4).

How should the ProLon® Diet be taken?

The diet should be taken for 5 consecutive days, after which the patient will transition for 1 day and then resume their normal diet. Instructions are provided in every carton. A specific combination of food is provided on each day for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. All food provided on a specific day should be taken on that day only. While a meal missed can be made up at any time during the same day, there should be no carryover from one day to the next. The 5-day diet should be taken as often as is recommended by the healthcare professional.

Can ProLon® be used by individuals with chronic illness or disease?

Depending on the medical illness or disease, past medical history, and current medications, the ProLon® dietary program might be combined with the standard of care treatment; however, ProLon® cannot be prescribed to prevent or treat diseases. Contact the healthcare provider most familiar with the illness or disease to discuss the ProLon® dietary program.

How does an individual participate in the ProLon® dietary program?

The ProLon® dietary program should be administered under the supervision of a licensed healthcare professional (HCP), e.g. Medical Doctor, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, a Doctor of Integrative Medicine, Anti-Aging Specialist, Naturopath, Chiropractor or Registered Dietitian. As this is a low calorie diet, that supervising HCP must clear the individual to participate in the program. If the HCP does not feel qualified to clear the patient, they should seek clearance from a qualified HCP, such as a medical doctor. In addition, they should determine if the individual has any known medical conditions, and if so, obtain medical clearance from the HCP treating the patient’s condition before initiating the ProLon® diet.

Why do some individual need "Supervision from a Health Care Provider"?

Healthcare professionals will determine if a low-calorie and low-protein diet lasting 5 days would be safe for individuals based on their medical history and health conditions. The supervising physician will educate the individual about potential side effects, and provide contact information to enable the patient to contact him/her if any medical condition arises.

Once someone starts the ProLon® cycle can they split up the days?

Splitting up days is not recommended since this method is believed to be much less effective than the 5 consecutive days.

Is there scientific data to prove the ProLon® dietary program allows patients to reach as "fasting state"?

The results achieved with ProLon® in clinical trials were very similar to those achieved with fasting. However, ProLon® is safer, providing vital nutrition during the 5 day diet.

How should an individual monitor themselves?

We suggest you track your weight, blood pressure, and abdominal circumference before starting and after each cycle of the diet.

Who should engage in the ProLon® dietary program?

ProLon® was shown in clinical trials to have beneficial effects on a wide variety of markers: it decreases abdominal fat while increasing relative lean body mass, decreases fasting glucose, reduces C-reactive protein (a marker of inflammation), and reduces IGF-1 (associated with increased DNA damage mortality and aging in humans).

How much weight does one lose and will the individual be able to keep it off?

The amount of weight loss varies by individual. A healthcare professional will be able to discuss this during the consultation and work with the patient on meeting weight goals.

Should routine intake of supplements during the dieting period be stopped?

As the ProLon® dietary program is designed to provide all of the supplements and nutrients needed, no additional multivitamins or supplements should be taken during the diet period; however, the options should be discussed with the supervising healthcare professional.

How does a physician sign up on the website?

Healthcare professionals who desire to sell or authorize patients to purchase ProLon® must first register on this website. This is an easy, one-time process. Once you are registered you will be able to order, refill orders or authorize patients to purchase ProLon® from the website. Please register at

How many ProLon® cycles can be consumed in a year?

This depends on the individual’s baseline markers and health measurements, assessment and recommendation of the healthcare professional; for the majority of relatively healthy individuals, 3 to 4 times a year is sufficient. By contrast, for individuals with high levels of multiple biomarkers for aging, cholesterol, IGF-1, CRP, blood pressure, abdominal fat, etc., the HCP may decide to recommend 6-12 ProLon® cycles a year. For very high risk individuals, it may be given as often as every 15 days.

Is there a "Transition Day" diet for the patient after completing the ProLon® diet?

On Day 6, after the ProLon® diet ends, users should avoid binge eating and resume their normal diet gradually. They should start with liquid foods, such as soups and fruit juices, followed by light meals, including rice, pasta and small portions of meat, fish and/or legumes. A normal diet can be resumed on day 7, or 24 hours after the end of the ProLon® diet.

Is there scientific data supporting ProLon® ingredients and formulation?

The proprietary dietary formulation is based on decades of scientific research, including preclinical and clinical trials and contains specific ingredients that were put together to mimic fasting, while optimizing nourishment.

Can one consume coffee while on ProLon®?

Decaffeinated coffee is OK on the diet, but do be mindful as some do contain small amounts of caffeine which can interfere with the beneficial effects of the diet.

If extra calories throughout the day are needed, what should one consume?

One should not eat anything extra while on the ProLon® dietary program. Since this diet is low calorie, one may experience the feeling of slight weakness and possible dizziness as the body adjusts, especially on Day 2. This is normal. Usually by day 3 this decreases; however, should the symptoms be severe, one can drink fruit juices and call your doctor or 911 for emergencies. The supervising healthcare professional should then review if it is safe for the patient to continue on the diet. The energy drink provided in the diet boxes, to be taken throughout the day, provides not only nutritional support during the diet, but can be specifically helpful in these instances.

If all of the food is not eaten for the day, is it ok?

Yes; however, since this diet has been clinically tested, one should make every effort to follow the program to minimize malnourishment and safety issues. Just document the foods not eaten and inform the supervising healthcare professional.